The future starts today!
We are looking for personality!
WE accept the challenge and see it as our mission to supervise young people and we are committed to supporting them in their vocational training.
YOU are socially motivated, people can rely on YOU and YOU assume responsibility not only for yourself, but for others as well.
WE treat everyone fairly and respectfully and we see ourselves as a partner for new young professionals. We have a positive attitude toward work. Friendly yet respectful interaction with colleagues is important to us.
YOU are curious and are open to new experiences.
WE ensure that you receive quality training, we inspire you and provide you support and security.
YOU are committed to successfully completing your training and play an active role in the process.
WE offer the best possible basic conditions for your training (e.g. through the use of training plans) and have short decision paths.
YOU show personal commitment and initiative and are courteous and respectful to supervisors, employees, customers, business partners and other trainees.
WE provide state-of-the-art, structured and extensive dual vocational training. Our ultimate goal is to ensure the need for qualified specialists and to comply with our social obligation of offering young people a good start to their careers.
WE focus on personalities. Every new young professional is an individual. In addition to technical qualifications, this individual also develops as a person, and learns to work in an environment of respect with and among colleagues. We try to create the freedom needed to foster a sense of self-fulfilment, purpose and creativity in our daily work.
YOU question, reflect and view constructive criticism as a form of motivation and an incentive.
WE advise trainees when difficulties arise, provide constructive feedback and encourage them to take responsibility for their own actions.
OUR GOAL is to instil the desire to learn in all of our trainees, to allow them to actively participate in the business process and to offer additional training opportunities.
Aluminium Rheinfelden Group